Table of Contents

Access the official documentation for RocketBot below, which defines a set of commands, and their parameters, for a successful use of the tool.


Command: welcome

Used on: Twitter.

RocketBot's welcome message on Twitter that includes hints about how to start using the bot and links for more information.

Command: help

Used on: Discord, Telegram and Twitter.

Presents RocketBot, how to use it, with examples included, and provides links for more information.

Command: commands

Used on: Discord, Telegram and Twitter.

Lists all the bot commands that are available, with short explanations of what each of them does.


Command: start

Used on: Telegram.

Initial command that starts RocketBot on Telegram.
It also registers, if not done already, a new local account that is linked to a new RocketBot wallet.
The local account is associated to Telegram. See add-social-account to merge it with your main account.

Command: register

Used on: Discord, Telegram and Twitter.

If not done already, it automatically registers a new local account and links it to a new RocketBot wallet.
This local account is associated to the social platform where register is being called from. See add-social-account to merge it with your main account.

Command: add-social-account

Parameter: [key]
Example: add-social-account 1234abcd-12ab-12ab-12ab-123456abcdef

Used on: Discord, Telegram and Twitter.

If not done already, it merges a local account into a main account.

The local account is the one registered at the social platform where add-social-account is being called from.

The main account is created on RocketBot's Web Platform, and it can serve as either an independent account, with its own wallet, or as an account that integrates with some or all the supported social platforms. You have the option to merge your local account with this main one, and to do so with some or all the social platforms that RocketBot supports.

When using add-social-account, the RocketBot's wallet associated to the local account is also merged into the main account's wallet. Thus, the amounts from both the local and main wallets are added up.

Warning: once the local account has been merged into the main one, any deposit addresses you had created on the local account will no longer be valid. Please start using the new deposit addresses that the main account generates for you.

The [key] parameter is obtained directly in the main account you create on the Web Platform.
Warning: please do not share this [key] with anyone nor share it publicly. With this [key], anyone could steal your coins!

Coin Transfers

Command: coins

Used on: Discord, Telegram and Twitter.

Lists all the coins that are available on RocketBot, including their tickers.

Command: deposit

Parameter: [coin ticker]
Example: deposit merge

Used on: Discord, Telegram and Twitter.

Creates an address for the coin specified as a parameter. This address belongs to you only, and it is used for deposits of the corresponding coin in your local or main account.

Deposits are added to the balance after 10 confirmations.

The [coin ticker] parameter can be found with the command coins.

Warning: deposit addresses from a local account are not valid after this local account is merged into a main account.
 - A local account is one registered at a social platform that RocketBot supports.
 - A main account is one created on RocketBot's Web Platform.
See add-social-account for more details.

Command: deposits

Parameter: [coin ticker]*
* Optional.
Examples: deposits
deposits doge

Used on: Discord, Telegram and Twitter.

Lists all the deposits made in your local or main account.
The [coin ticker] parameter can be found with the command coins.

Command: withdraw

Parameters: [amount] [coin ticker] [address]
Example: withdraw 1 btc 1234abcd5678efgh90IJKLMNOPQRSTUVWX

Used on: Discord, Telegram and Twitter.

Withdraws a specific amount of a coin to a valid address.

The [coin ticker] parameter can be found with the command coins.

You need to have enough balance of the corresponding coin to successfully perform the withdrawal.

Warning: please make sure you use the desired, and valid, [address] where to withdraw your coins to. We cannot recover any possible losses after withdrawing.

Command: withdraws

Parameter: [coin ticker]*
* Optional.
Examples: withdraws
withdraws doge

Used on: Discord, Telegram and Twitter.

Lists all the withdrawals made from your local or main account.
The [coin ticker] parameter can be found with the command coins.

Command: transactions

Parameter: [coin ticker]*
* Optional.
Examples: transactions
transactions doge

Used on: Discord and Telegram.

Lists all the transactions made in your local or main account.
The [coin ticker] parameter can be found with the command coins.

Coin Balances

Command: balance

Parameter: [coin ticker]
Example: balance btc

Used on: Discord, Telegram and Twitter.

Displays the balance of a specific coin from your local or main account.
The amounts displayed correspond to coins that have more than 10 confirmations.
The [coin ticker] parameter can be found with the command coins.

Command: balances

Used on: Discord, Telegram and Twitter.

Displays all the balances of the coins from your local or main account.
The amounts displayed correspond to coins that have more than 10 confirmations.

Rewarding Followers and Friends

Command: @rocketbotpro* airdrop

Parameters: [amount per winner] [coin ticker] [number of winners]
* Use @rocketbotpro only on your Twitter's tweets.
Examples:  (Twitter) @rocketbotpro airdrop 0.01 btc 100
 (Discord and Telegram) airdrop 0.01 btc 100

Used on: Discord, Telegram and Twitter.

Runs a new airdrop that gives away an amount ([amount per winner]) of coins ([coin ticker]) to the first users ([number of winners]) that claim the coins.
The [coin ticker] parameter can be found with the command coins.

Command: @rocketbotpro* giveaway

Parameters: [amount per winner] [coin ticker] [number of winners] [duration in ?d?h?m]
* Use @rocketbotpro only on your Twitter's tweets.
Examples:  (Twitter) @rocketbotpro giveaway 10 merge 5 1d2h3m
 (Discord and Telegram) giveaway 10 merge 5 1d2h3m

Used on: Discord, Telegram and Twitter.

Runs a lottery that gives away an amount ([amount per winner]) of coins ([coin ticker]) as prizes. RocketBot will randomly select the winners ([number of winners]) that participate before the lottery ends ([duration in ?d?h?m]).
The [coin ticker] parameter can be found with the command coins.
For the [duration in ?d?h?m] parameter:
 - 'd' refers to days.
 - 'h' refers to hours.
 - 'm' refers to minutes.

Command: @rocketbotpro* tip

Parameters: [amount per user] [coin ticker] [users]**
* Use @rocketbotpro only on your Twitter's tweets.
** Minimum 1, maximum 5 users.
Examples:  (Twitter tweets) @rocketbotpro tip 100 doge @user1 @user2 @user3 @user4 @user5
 (Discord, Telegram and Twitter messages) tip 100 doge @user1 @user2 @user3

Used on: Discord, Telegram and Twitter.

Tips an amount ([amount per user]) of coins ([coin ticker]) to selected users, up to a maximum of 5 at a time.
The [coin ticker] parameter can be found with the command coins.

Command: rain

Parameters: [total amount] [coin ticker] [number of users]*
* Optional.
Examples: rain 0.01 btc
rain 0.01 btc 10

Used on: Discord.

Distributes a ([total amount]) of coins ([coin ticker]) among the users who have been online within the last 10 minutes, before running the rain, on the corresponding Discord server.
[number of users] limits the number of users who receive the coins. This parameter is optional and, when not used, the rain applies to all users that were online within the last 10 minutes.
The [coin ticker] parameter can be found with the command coins.

Locking Coins

Command: price

Parameter: [coin ticker or name]
Example: price btc

Used on: Discord and Telegram.

Shows the current price, in USD and BTC, of a specific coin ([coin ticker or name]).
The [coin ticker or name] parameter can be found with the command coins.

Command: locking

Used on: Discord, Telegram and Twitter.

Shows the locking guide, with explanations of how to lock and the coins that are supported for locking.
The coins are locked in MERGE. Thus, other coins used for locking are converted to MERGE using real-time conversion rates. These rates are also provided with this command.

Command: lock

Parameters: [amount] [locking coin ticker]
Example: lock 100 merge

Used on: Discord, Telegram and Twitter.

Locks an [amount] of coins in your local or main account.
This command is used when wanting to enjoy RocketBot's Extended Usage.
See the locking guide to find out which coins are available for the [locking coin ticker] parameter.

Command: locked

Used on: Discord, Telegram and Twitter.

Shows the amount of MERGE tokens that are currently locked, which are those from:
 - The lock command used to subscribe to RocketBot's Extended Usage.
 - Your active airdrops.
 - Your active giveaways.


Command: captcha

Parameter: [on/off]
Examples: captcha on
captcha off

Used on: Discord.

This command is targeted to admins of Discord servers.
When on, it enables a captcha system that verifies every new user joining the Discord server where this command is called from, preventing bots from joining and spamming. Users need to successfully pass the captcha in order to access the server's channels.

Command: verify

Used on: Discord.

Performs your verification on the corresponding Discord server. This step is needed when RocketBot's captcha is on.

Command: prefix

Parameter: [one character]
Example: prefix $

Used on: Discord.

This command is targeted to admins of Discord servers.
It sets a new prefix for calling RocketBot's commands.
The prefix is used to avoid possible conflicts with other Discord bots.
The default one is '!'. Example of a command use with the default prefix: !help
Note: the prefix is not needed when communicating with the bot via private messaging.

Command: mention

Parameter: [on/off]
Examples: mention on
mention off

Used on: Discord.

Enables, or disables, notifications on your Discord account when RocketBot mentions you as part of a rewarding event.

Start Using RocketBot

RocketBot works by integrating itself into your social media platforms. The current version of the bot can be integrated on your Discord servers, Telegram groups and Twitter account. In all cases, it can also be used via private messaging. You can register a main account for all supported social networks on RocketBot's Web Platform.

Web Platform